Editorial Team
Founder and Editor-in-Chief:
PREMNARAYAN TRIPATHI, PhD, FIASc, Prof and Head (R), Zoology Department, K S Saket PG College, Ayodhya-224123, General Secretary: Academy of Innovative Research (Regd.), Bemawal, Ambedkarnagar-224181, Prop: BABURAM & SONS (A Knowledge Industry), Deokali, Ayodhya, CHAIRMAN: PNT SCIENTIFIC TEMPER PRIVATE LIMITED.Contact- (editor@scientifictemper.com; pntripathiphd@hotmail.com); Phone: 8090108846
Prof Bhumi Nath Tripathi, M.Sc, Ph.D.(BHU, Varanasi), Prof and Head, Department of Biotechnology, IGNTU, Amarkantak,MP, Specialization : Plant Molecular Biology/Molecular Physiology of Plants, Contact No. : 9589517179, eMail bhuminath.tripathi@igntu.ac.in, bhuminathtripathi@hotmail.com, Google Scholar: Citations-2901, h-index-23, i10 index-37: 1739CITATIONS, Co-author Network: 254
Prof. Ghanshyam. Tripathi, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan (drgst@gmail.com): Google Scholar Citations 2000, h-index-20 and i10-index 33
Dr Awadhesh Kumar Shukla, K S Saket Post Graduate College, Ayodhya (Botany, Specialization: Environmental Microbiology), (Phone : +91 87872 28748; Email: awadhkshukla@gmail.com)Google Scholar: h-index 16, i10 index: 20, total citations 800+, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5974-1300
Advisors and Editors:
Dr Manas Kumar Mandal, DRDO, Delhi (Retd); Visiting Professor, IIT Kharagpur
(mandalmanask@yahoo.com; linkedin.com/in/manas-kumar-mandal-07939b179)
Prof. Sandeep K Malhotra, Allahabad University, Allahabad, (philonym@gmail.com)
Dr Jagdeep Saxena, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi (Retd.)
Prof. Rajendra Singh, Department of Zoology, DDU University, Gorakhpur
Prof Akhmadkhodja Yunuskhodjaev, Professor, Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Prof Vinay Sharma, Dean-Research, Director-AIB, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Jaipur, (Biotechnology), NH-11C, Jaipur (Raj.)-303002 (E-Mail: sharmavinay@yahoo.com)
Prof. Umesh Chand Srivastava, Allahabad University, Allahabad (Neuroanatomy, Zoology), (ucsrivastava@rediffmail.com), https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1912-0865
Dr. Anil Kumar Tripathi, MD, FRCP (London), FRCP (Glasgow), FRCP (Ireland), FAMS, FICP,
FISHTM, FIACM, NIH Fellow (USA), WFH Fellow (UK), Professor and Head (Retd) Department of Clinical Hematology, King George’s Medical University, Former Director, Dr. RML Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow.E-Mail ID: tripathiak2010@hotmail.com), Clinical Hematology, Oncology, Haemato-oncology.
Prof Kaushal Kumar Shukla, IIT, BHU, Varanasi (Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Data Science), E-Mail: kkshukla.cse@iitbhu.ac.in
Prof. Manoj K. Tiwari, FNAE, FNASc, FIIIE, FIISE (USA) FIETI (Hong Kong), Director, Indian Institute of Management, Mumbai, (Management Studies) Email: director@iimmumbai.ac.in, (H Index, Google Scholar – 82, and Scopus - 61) OrcidID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8564-1402
Prof Sachchida Nand Tripathi, IIT, Kanpur (Engineering and Maths, Climate Change), E-Mail: snt@iitk.ac.in (Total Citation: >8891, H-Index -52; Google Scholar; Google Scholar: Sachchida Tripathi, Total Citation: >6491, H-Index -45; ISI Web of Knowledge: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/J-4840-2016, Total Citation: >7147, H-index -47; Scopus: AUID # 21935606200)

Prof. V K Tripathi, Department of Geography, Institute of Science, B.H.U., Varanasi-221005, India, Residence: New L4, Hyderabad Colony, B.H.U., Varanasi-221005,, India, Mobile: 9415986457; Email: vktbhu2004@gmail.com, vktri@bhu.ac.in. (Area of Interest: Urban Geography, Applied Geography and Regional Planning)
Prof. Atakhanova Nigora Ergashevna, Неаd of the Department of Oncology and Radiology TMA, Phone Number.: +998 98 128 0567, E-mail: Private: atakhanova.62@bk.ru Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent-100109,Uzbekistan Farabi street 2; (Oncology and radiation diagnosis, Onco-gynecologist).
Prof. Bechan Sharma, Allahabad University, Allahabad (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology), (sharmabi@yahoo.com) ((1) Bechan Sharma | LinkedIn), https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3520-0232
Prof Prabodh Kumar Trivedi, CSIR–CIMAP, Lucknow (Environmental Biotechnology, Stress Physiology), E-mail: prabodht@hotmail.com, Total impact factor: Impact factor: 671.757, Average Impact Factor: 4.54, h index: 56, Total citations: 8626 (as on August 03, 2021),For details: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=i2r72y4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Prof Uday Shanker Dixit, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati-781039,( Indian Knowledge System) Ph.: +913612582657(o), 4657 (r), Alternate Email: usd1008@yahoo.com ; 2774CITATIONS, 26H-INDEX, 2389CITATIONS
Yakubova Makhamat Mirakramovna, : PhD, DSc. Professor of Neurology Department, “Clinical and diagnostic parameters of multiple sclerosis”Tashkent Medical Academy; Tel: 99894 603 84 69 (cell), 99897 344 10 22 (cell) 99871 277 91 89 (home) E-mail: marhamat62@mail.ru Address: 54 Nurhon, Сhilonzor district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Prof. Rajendrakumar Anayath, Vice-Chancellor, DEENBANDHU CHHOTU RAM UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, MURTHAL (SONEPAT), HARYANA-131039 (Printing Technology (profanayath@gmail.com)
Dr Anil Kumar, Delhi Technical University, (Mechanical Engineering), (E-mail: anilkumar76@dtu.ac.in ) (CURRICULUM VITAE_Anil Kumar_Sept 2022_T), Google Scholar: h-Index 43; i10-Index: 107; Total Citation 6400+, SCOPUS: h-Index 34; Total Citation 3582+, PUBLONS: h-Index 33; Total Citation 3053+
Dr Satyendra Chandra Tripathi, AIIMS, Nagpur (Biochemistry, Oncology, Proteomics)(sctripathi@aiimsnagpur.edu.in) : Google Scholar: h-Index 26; i10-Index: 34; Total Citation 3127, SCOPUS: h-Index 23; Total Citation 2246, PUBLONS: h-Index 23; Total Citation 213
Prof Amarnath Tripathi, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida (Ecological Economics, Agriculture & Natural Resource Economics; Food Security & Food System; Rural Livelihood, Economics of Climate Change; & Public Policy & Impact Evaluation), Sustainable Development), Citations: 1055, h-index: 15, i10-index: 20, E-Mail ID: Email: amarnath.tripathi@jaipuria.ac.in,)
Prof T P Chaturvedi, Department of Dental Sciences, IMS, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.H-INDEX-10, 430 CITATIONS, Scopus Id- 26431722200, Vidwan-ID : 55740, ORCID Id: 0000-0002-8574-9779 , C0-author Network- 112, E-Mail ID: tpchaturvedident@bhu.ac.in, Phone: 9451570848
Dr Madina Rakhimova, Tashkent Medical Academy, (Pharmacology, Pathology, CVD) Almazar district, Farabi street,2, Tashkent, Uzbekistan , E-Mail ID : madinka.rakhimova@gmail.com, (+998) 915451514
Dr. Geetali Tilak, Professor & Vice Chancellor, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune ( New Social Media, Ethics and Laws in Media), Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Gultekdi, Mukundnagar, Pune- 411037., Contact - 02024403000, E-Mail ID:geetali.tilak@gmail.com
Prof Pranay Kumar Tripathi, K S Saket Post Graduate College, Ayodhya (Psychology)
( drtripathi.pk@gmail.com)
Prof Anjani Kumar Singh, K S Saket Post Graduate College, Ayodhya (Geography and Earth Sciences), (anjanikumarsingh358@gmail.com)
Prof Ashutosh Singh, K S Saket Post Graduate College, Ayodhya (Pure and Applied Chemistry), (e-mail:asinghkssaket@yahoo.com)
Prof Indu Singh, KNI, Sultanpur (Entomology), (singhindu1427@gmail.com)
Dr Sangeeta N Kharde, Professor &Head, Dept. of OBG Nursing, KLE’S Institute of Nursing Sciences Nehru Nagar, Belgaum.590010, Karnataka, ph.(0831) 2472303 .(Nursing Sciences and Health Management ) Phone-9481322656 Email:, sangeeta.kharde@gmail.com
Dr Harnam Singh Lodhi, KS Saket PG College, Ayodhya (Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Toxicology) (E-Mail ID: hslodhi2003@gmail.com, Phone No.-+919415088507
Sivasankar, G A, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore,-641402, Tamilnadu, (Aeronautical Engineering), E-Mail: gassaero@gmail.com; ORCID ID : 0000-0002-6117-9118, Scopus ID : 58033050500, Web OF Science ID : AAX-9314-2020, FAA Expert Team Member ID : 22762, Vidwan ID : 252377
Arunima Dey, Editorial Director at Krupa-Communique, Krupanidhi Group of Institutions, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560035, India, linkedin.com/in/arunima-dey-b6a227163,G E T I N T O U C H, +91 7278373674, E-Mail ID: adey038@gmail.com (Area of Interest: Gender, Media and Entertainment, Society, New Media, Journalism)